Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

Be Google Student Ambassador from Trunojoyo University

Yeah! \(^^)/ just a few days before an important day for me. Google Summit 2013. Who aren’t want to be part of Google?
An email that really surprised me. Exact date of May 13, 2013 an email was sent to me. At that time i got two e-mail. The one is a notification email from my professor at college if moved forward. And I was surprised to read the other email. The subject is Did You Make It as a Google Student Ambassador? . The subject make me shocked. I immediately open the second email after reading an email from the lecturer. And jreng jreng .. This is a very surprising email:

I read the email word by word, sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph. Yes, because I still feel goose bumps and could not believe that email is to me. First sentence, the second sentence, and the next would make me speechless .. hehe
How can I just believe it, I read again from the top. And it's certainly true, to me. And yeah! \ (^ ^) / I have been choose to be Google Student Ambassador South East Asia 2013.