Rabu, 07 Mei 2014

We are Bidikmisi Student, We must Do a Lot

Bidikmisi is scholarship to outstanding students of economically disadvantaged families, the scholarships aim to motivate them to study harder and achieve to become future leaders of the nation.

I always grateful to Allah that give me this way to attend the lecture. I’m proud to be bidikmisi student. because, I get this scholarship with defensively. I have some story to get this scholarship.

I can’t thinking about some of bidikmisi student who not use this scholarship well. A lot of student who less fortunate. They want to continue their study but they can’t.

Sometimes I’m fed up with bidikmisi student who use the scholarship to shopping. Ok, that is not my business. But, I can’t think about their way to thinking. Government give this scholarship to study and living ( living cost ). Ya, oke, if they were shopping some stuff to their life. Ya ya, but don’t buy something that can’t support your life and study please. * If you want to shopping, let’s work, get some money to shopping. (^^)v

I was shocked when my friend tell me, “don’t worry, once in a while”. Arrgg.
*oke, let me talk to me, “this is not your business Ria..”

I was shocked again that my young friend tell that as a bidikmisi student, we must study study and study. Just study and get high IPK. Oh God. -,-“  * I’m sorry that I’m alay bin lebay

Oke. I think, exactly because we are bidikmisi student, we must do a lot. We will have been showing that we are different. We can’t only study, but do anything that useful. Join with some communities or organizations, create something to solve problems, etc. Be active, be creative, be useful, get achievement, and anything.

**It just my opinion. I just want to inspire myself and maybe can inspire you [as bidikmisi student/ reader] :))

And what is your opinion?

Sabtu, 12 April 2014

Serba Serbi Google Office Indonesia

Awal desember 2013, kesempatan emas bagi saya untuk datang ke kantor Google di Indonesia. Sebenarnya saya sudah pernah posting mengenai perjaanan saya menuju kantor Google. Tapi, saya kurang menjelaskan detail tentang kantor Google yang keren ini. Saya malah menjelaskan perjalanan saya yang penuh perjuangan. Akhirnya banyak yang sedikit complain dengan saya. Karena postingan saya informasinya hanya 20%, lainnya adalah curhatan saya.hehe

Untuk itu saya akan posting khusus tentang kantor Google di Indonesia nich :D

Indonesia Google Launch 

*GSA's Camera
Kantor Google Indonesia terletak di lantai 28, Sentral Senayan II, Senayan, Jakarta.  Kantor ini resmi dibuka pada akhir November, tepatnya tanggal 26. Dan dibuka sua sesi launch, tanggal 27 November dan 3 Desember.
Kesan pertama melihat pintu utama adalah “Iya, ini Kantor Google” . Tulisan besar Google seperti pada search engine-nya menyambut dengan ramah. Ornamen batik menemani, mengelilingi  tulisan “Google” dan mengisyaratkan “ini loh kantor Google Indonesia”
*dokumen pribadi
Ada 2 layar LCD besar yang menunjukkan keyword yang sedang dan paling dicari se-antero bumi, dan layar yang satunya LCD dengan google maps yang selalu update.

Ruang Diskusi yang Santai

*dokumen pribadi
Dilantai dua, kami disuguhkan dengan ruangan yang sangat santai. Dengan bilik-bilik kecil yang unik untuk diskusi. Dengan ornamen-ornamen yang unik, membuat diskusi pekerjaan dan teknologi yang menarik akan mengalir dengan santai.

Dan lagi, ada kasur lantai beserta bantalnya yang disusun terasiring. Unik. Kayak penampakan sawah di Indonesia.  Mungkin dengan membentuk ruang santai terasiring ini akan membantu stabilitas kerja yang santai, seperti efek dari terasiring persawahan yang akan menambah stabilitas lereng.hehe

Ruang Rapat yang Unik

Selanjutnya kami berkeliling menuju ruangan kerja. Disini kami tidak boleh memotret. Tapi kami boleh coret-coret dinding.hehe. jadi tidak ada foto ruang kerja yaaa :D
*GSA's Camera
Nah ruang rapat disini unik-unik. Konon katanya, biar orang luar itu gak cuman kenal sama “Bali dan Borobudur” kalo udah di Indonesia.
Ada ruangan yang namanya “Ondel-ondel”, “Gudang Rezeki” , “Pangkalan Ojek”, “Gelora Asmara”. Lucu kan yak ? :D

Panel Kaca tiap ruangan juga sangat lucu. Ada gambar pewayangan semacam Bagong, Petruk, Gareng, penjual kerak telor,  segala macam kebudayaan Indonesia. Pokoknya yang Indonesia banget-lah!

Warung Mbah Google

*GSA's Camera
Nah ini nich. Makan gratis, camilan gratis pokoknya yang enak-enak gratis disini.hehe
Kantin mbah Google ini gratis. Kalo biasanya teman-teman mahasiswa bilang “logika tanpa konsumsi kagak bisa jalan”, sepertinya juga terjadi di Google. Saya pernah membaca disalah satu portal berita terkait launchingnya Google Office di Indonesia.

*dokumen pribadi
“Bagaimana kita expect karyawan mau berinovasi kalau mereka masih memikirkan masalah ini?” ujar Rudy sambil menunjuk ke arah perut ketika menjelaskan alasan Google menyediakan makanan bagi karyawannya. –infokomputer.com
*dokumen pribadi
Sepertinya benar nich guyonan mahasiswa kalo sedang ngerjain tugas :D


*GSA's camera
Google , terkenal dengan perusahaan yang royal terhadap karyawan. Dan di Indonesia-pun juga. Di lantai 2, tepat diatas warung mbah Google. Google Indonesia menyiapkan seuah ruangan yang suantai, dengan area bermain yang dilengkapi beberapa hiburan. Konsol Xbox 360, lengkap dengan Kinect-nya. Ada juga spot kecil untuk olah raga. Ruangan yang asyik untuk bersantai. Eits jangan salah, biasanya ide-ide creative kan muncul santai kita santai to?hehe
Mantab lah!

*dokumen pribadi
Motto Google yang juga motto Google Student Ambassador-nya ini emang kece-lah.  “Do Cool Things that Matter”

Senin, 24 Maret 2014

Database Practicum

Hi All,

Welcome to Database Practicum!

In this section, you can know about what you must learn and do. 

Practicum contract

Database Module

You can download the 1st module in this link.

and 2nd Module - 5th Module in this link.

Template for Report

You can download the template of
  • Chapter 3 ( Tugas Pendahuluan)
  • Report Template : (sama seperti praktikum lainnya)
    Struktur Laporan (Soft Copy / Hard Copy) - INDIVIDU :
    1. Cover
    2. Bab I   : Pendahuluan
    3. Bab II  : Dasar Teori
    4. Bab III : Tugas Pendahuluan
    5. Bab IV : Pembahasan + Tugas Tambahan
    6. Bab V  : Penutup

For Collection of Your Report : 

  • E-mail   : kuliah.ria@gmail.com
  • Subject : BASDAT_MODULX_NIM ( contoh : BASDAT_D2_MODUL1_110411100099 )
  • File name : BASDAT_MODULX_NIM.pdf ( contoh : BASDAT_D2_MODUL1_110411100099.pdf ) 
**Maksimal H-1 Sebelum Praktikum Selanjutnya (untuk modul 1-3 mohon segera dikirim)**Hindari Plagiasi
**Bagi yang tidak sesuai dengan format di atas mohon maaf jika nilai untuk modul tersebut tidak keluar atau 0.

Data List of Assistance Database Practicum

>> or open this link

Additional Assignment for 1st Module

1. Mention numeric data types that exist in the database, and what's the difference?
2. When is your use the data types that you are previously mention?

Notes : 

#1 For My "praktikan" to "Asistensi" must gether, specify the schedule and for "komting" contact me please.

Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

Do you have a lot of problems? Make it on your hand and Let's fun

Problems. I think , all of human in the world have problems. But, what is the definition of problem? How are become the problem? Why is being problem?

A few days ago, i had some problem. Maybe a little problems for some people, but a big problem for me. Code(), yeah, Code(). I'm student of informatics engineering, but i had some problem to implementation the algorithms to code(), my friends call this activity is "nyintax", make some syntax ..haha,  *Ups, Back to the problem. And now i'm on 6th semester, so i must better "nyintak". And I always thought about it. And made it like "problem".

I met with my seniors, One of them is mas Wahyu, yap!. I consider him as my brother. Sometimes, if he talk about something, i will get something new and inspiration. He sit beside me, and just kept silent. But, suddenly he took me by the hand. And put his smartphone to my palm. And asked some question,

Mas Wahyu : "whether it is heavy?"
Me             : "No"

He asked again,
Mas Wahyu :  "What if "it" is placed there overnight?whether it is heavy?"

I have not had time to reply, and he continued his sentence

"as well as a problem, if you thought about it constantly then it will feel heavy."

I smiled :)) and promise to my self that i can solve my problem, and not think about something constantly and make them heavy, i can make them easy :D

Have fun :D

*maybe he knew that i had some problem from my face,hehe.

Minggu, 09 Februari 2014

White Rock Hill in Madura Island

This panorama is about white rock hill. Commonly, i only can see this hill from my campus in Telang, Kamal. But, now i'm here!

Just one hour from my campus. We ( me and 3 my bestfriends ) went to this beautiful place with Plat-M and Historian from Bangkalan. I don't know what is the name of this white rock hill, we just call "the place that produce white stone". But, people around call this place, Perbukitan Kapur Noeng Jaddih. Jaddih is the name of this village. Aa, and the stones will be used to built some buildings.

On the top, we can find cave that built by Japanese when colonize era in Indonesia. It have diameter 40 m x 50 m and height 15 m. Different condition with on the bottom. We can feeling the fresh breeze and beautiful green scenery. 

And the site is managed in such a way that the rest of the area's mining Limestone's nothing resembling a Swimming Pool with a diameter of 40 X 50 meters and in the middle there are springs with a debit per second with ranges from 1900 to 2500 M3. Beautiful :)

Sabtu, 08 Februari 2014

I hate late but, i was late

Hello everyone!

Today i get up belated.  Astaghfirullah, i was sad. I promise to myself to don't over it anymore. Hufh,, i feel resentful, sad, anything not comfort. I set mind on to went to traditional market at 8 o'clock with my niece. Buy some vegetables, side dish, eggs, and cooking spices. I would cook this week, because so long i didn't cooking and really miss this activities.
in short, i went to back to my boarding house. i would cook at quickly. Ah, unfortunately, our kitchen was very dirty. i don't like it. So, i should clean our kitchen, and of course . Huft, and i have done at 11 a.m. Certainly, i must cook as soon as to my belated breakfast.

And on the afternoon, i must sent some packet for My Give Away , and I apologized to the winners of my GA for sending late (^^)v

From today, i get many lesson! I must in time! discipline! and no procrastinating activity. I hate late, but i'm late today. So, i must more discipline and not only me, and for you all. Actually, if i was late, i feel not comfortable, my heart have sound of gulp, and very very not comfort.

Jumat, 07 Februari 2014

My First Class !

Today is my first day in class with my bidikmisi friends and LBPP LIA . Intensive English Training Program was held specifically for bidikmisi students. I am Bidikmisi Student, so I shall follow it . I feel happy with this opportunity.

A week ago , I followed the test for class divisions. There are 4 basic classes ( levels Elementary 1 - 4 ). I hope to get a level 1 because I really want to learn English from begin . But a few days ago I read the announcement , and I get in level 4 . I was surprised, because I hope entered at level 1. But, that is the result.. Well , Let me tell you about my first day in class today . :)


My teacher's name is Pepita. She was introduce herself , while a kid, she lived in USA because his father was assigned there . She was actually not a graduate of the English Education, but a graduate of International Relations. I learned a lot today :)

As some with other first classes, we become acquainted. After that we began to enter the material. And it is great. All materials today is packaged in some game. Certainly to make us actively speaking and discussion . Funny, unique and I like :)) Impatiently wait my second class on Monday ! :D